Corporation of the Municipality of South HuronClimate Change Adaptation Advisory CommitteeAgendaMeeting #:Date:Thursday, January 09, 2020 at 9:00 A.m. - 10:30 A.m.Location:Olde Town Hall - Verity RoomAccessibility of Documents:Documents are available in alternate formats upon request. If you require an accessible format or communication support, please contact the Clerk's Department at 519-235 -0310 or by email at to discuss how best we can meet your needs.1.Call to Order 2.Agenda Recommendation:That the Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee approves the Agenda for January 9, 2020, as presented. 3.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests and the General Nature thereof 4.Minutes 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee_Dec05_2019.pdfRecommendation:That Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee adopts the minutes of December 5, 2019, as presented. 5.Business to be Discussed 5.1Committee Meeting Time 1.RE Climate Change Committee Position AK Correspondence.pdf5.2Committee Milestones and Tasks 1.Comittee Milestones and Tasks 20Jan09.pdf5.3Impact Statements 5.3.1Committee Input and Review 1.Municipality of South Huron - CCAS- Draft Impact Statements with Additional Information 20Jan09.pdf5.3.2Public and Stakeholder Input and Review 5.4Risk Assessment 1.Risk Assessment Overview and Example.pdf5.4.1Committee and Public/Stakeholder Input Discussion 5.5Discussion of Appointment of Chair and Co-Chair 5.6Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Vision Draft Vision Statement: "Building a resilient, future-ready South Huron through an informed and involved community to enact our social, economic, and environmental priorities to ensure a systematic response and recovery in meeting the climate change challenges we face". 6.Correspondence 7.Other Business 8.Adjournment Recommendation:That Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee hereby adjourns at , to meet again on at or at the Call of the Chair. No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee_Dec05_2019.pdf1.Comittee Milestones and Tasks 20Jan09.pdf1.RE Climate Change Committee Position AK Correspondence.pdf1.Municipality of South Huron - CCAS- Draft Impact Statements with Additional Information 20Jan09.pdf1.Risk Assessment Overview and Example.pdf