Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron
Agenda - Regular Council Meeting

Hybrid Meeting - South Huron Council Chambers
Live Video Feed -

Notice of Hybrid Meeting:

The following meeting will allow for both electronic and in-person attendees. There will be a recording of the meeting available upon request by contacting the Clerk.

Members of the public are welcome to watch the live-stream of the meeting on the Agendas and Minutes page at, or attend Council Chambers.

Accessibility of Documents:

Documents are available in alternate formats upon request.  If you require an accessible format or communication support, please contact the Clerk's Department at 519-235 -0310 or by email at to discuss how best we can meet your needs.

Welcome, O Canada & Land Acknowledgment

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council approves the Agenda as presented.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the delegation from the Huron Perth Catholic District School Board as presented by Chris Roehrig. 

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the delegation from the South Huron Arts Centre as presented by Deb Homuth. 

  • Recommendation:
    That the agenda packages, minutes and/or reports of the following committees and/or boards be received as presented to Council: 
    • Huron County Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Oversight Committee - Draft Minutes of May 24, 2023 and Mapping Task 
    • Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority - Minutes of June 15, 2023
    • Exeter Rodeo - Minutes of June 28, 2023 and July 26, 2023
    • Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTCRA) - Draft Minutes of June 20, 2023 and Agenda Package of July 17, 2023 
    • Centralia Community Advisory Committee - Draft Minutes of July 27, 2023 
  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the draft minutes of the July 20, 2023 and July 26, 2023 Fire Services Advisory Committee Meeting and;
    That South Huron Council approve the recommendation of the Fire Services Advisory Committee and support the use of the Exeter and Dashwood Fire Stations by external emergency service employees (OPP, EMS), as approved by the Fire Chief; and
    That the following use parameters for use of Exeter and Dashwood Fire Stations be adhered to:
    • Only employees of approved external emergency services be granted access to the facility;
    • The use of facility to be for the purpose of breaks and rest periods;
    • The use of facility cannot displace or impact the regular operation of the fire service.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report of Craig Metzger, Senior Planner re Part Lot Control Exemption - PLC01-2023 (GSP Group Inc).

  • Recommendation:
    That South Huron Council receives that report from Craig Metzger, Senior Planner re Application for Deeming DB02-2023.
  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Don Giberson, General Manager of Infrastructure and Development Re: Connecting Link Project Update; and

    That South Huron Council authorizes a scope change to include the replacement of storm sewers, sanitary sewers and watermains within the project limits.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Don Giberson, General Manager of Infrastructure and Development Re: Amendment to Engineering Services Agreement for the Connecting Link Project, and;
    That South Huron Council authorizes an amendment to BM Ross and Associates Engineering Services Agreement to include Geotechnical Services from Englobe in the amount of $38,250 plus HST.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report of Stacey Jeffery, Community Relations Manager, regarding the Proposed Update to Corporate Flag Policy - Community Flagpole; and
    That the existing flagpole located in the Downtown Parkette (Exeter) be designated as the location of the Community Flagpole; and
    That staff proceed with matters related to the creation of a Municipal branded flag and incorporate costs in the 2024 budget; and
    That Council approves the amended Corporate Flag Policy, as presented; and
    That the necessary by-law be brought back to Council for the required three readings.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report of Scott Currie, Manager of Communications and Strategic Initiatives regarding “Modernization Strategy – 2023 update” for information.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report from J. Warwick, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer re: 2023 Second Quarter Operating Budget Variance Report.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report from J.Warwick, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer and K.Farwell, Manager of Revenue & Taxation/Deputy Treasurer, re: By-Law to Delegate Council Authority Pursuant to Sections 354, 357, 358 and 359 and Section 356 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001;

    That a by-law to delegate Council’s authority to the Municipal Treasurer or their designate to cancel, reduce, refund, or increase taxes in accordance with Sections 354, 357, 358, 359 of the Municipal Act and apportion unpaid taxes accordingly under Section 356 of the Municipal Act be approved; and

    That the by-law contain a standard percentage reduction of 100% of the affected area to be applied to quantitative data provided by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) in accordance with Section 357 (1)(g) and that said percentage reduction be reviewed and, if necessary, revised during each term of Council; and

    That the by-law, in accordance with Section 357(11) of the Municipal Act, 2001, delegate Council’s authority under subsections 357(1) and (5) to the Assessment Review Board (ARB) relating to subsections 357(1)(d.1)

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report from Alex Wolfe, Deputy Clerk re Appoint Engineer – New Municipal Drain (Ford/Neeb); and
    That South Huron Council hereby appoints William J. Dietrich, P. Eng., from Dietrich Engineering Ltd. as the Municipal Drainage Engineer to prepare a report for the construction of a new Municipal Drain and instructs him to include the proposed new drain construction, as set out in the petition for drainage works, to the municipal drainage project report for the new Municipal Drain (Ford/Neeb).

  • Recommendation:

    That the memo of R. Msuya-Collison, Acting Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk re Dashwood Community Fund Committee- Revisions to Terms of Reference be received; and

    That the revised Terms of Reference be approved as presented; and

    That recruitment of the Committee is initiated and conducted as per Committee Recruitment Policy and the selection panel be comprised of the Talent and Workforce Manager and the following two members of Council:

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report of Rebekah Msuya-Collison, Acting Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk re Exeter Lawn Bowling Club Memorandum of Understanding; and
    That Council approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Exeter Lawn Bowling Club as presented; and
    That the necessary By-Law be forwarded to Council for the required three readings.

  • Recommendation:

    That the memo of Rebekah Msuya-Collison, Acting Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk titled “Council Priority Update” be received.

Food Cycle Science - Municipal Food Waste Diversion Program 

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council set Special Council meetings for Budget purposes from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the following dates:

    • September 25, 2023 
    • October 23, 2023
    • November 27, 2023
    • December 6, 2023 (if required)
  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council proceeds in Closed Session at ___ p.m. for the purpose of addressing litigation or potential litigation matters in accordance with subsection 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act. (Zoning By-Law Enforcement Matter - WO-4290); and

    That the Acting CAO/Clerk and Deputy Clerk remain in attendance.


  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #41-2023, being a by-law  to exempt certain lands from Part Lot Control, in Registered Plan 376 being all of Lot 1325 & Part Lot 1326 being Parts 1-12, 22R7230 on a Street legally named Simcoe Street, in the Exeter Ward, Municipality of South Huron and the County of Huron.

Memo to By-Law

  • Recommendation:
    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #42-2023, being a by-law to amend By-Law #69-2018 of the Municipality of South Huron for lands described as Part Lot 4, Plan 211, Stephen Ward, Municipality of South Huron. 

Memo to By-Law

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #43-2023, being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Consent Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron and Thomas Louis Triebner and Noella Maxine Triebner in the Municipality of South Huron in the County of Huron. 

Memo to By-Law 

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #4-2023, being a by-law to to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron and Southbridge in the Municipality of South Huron in the County of Huron.

  • Recommendation:
    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #45-2023, being a By-law to deem Lots 34,35 and 36 of Plan 126 not to be part of a registered plan of subdivision.
  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #46-2023, being a by-law to amend By-Law #62-2022 to provide for collection of actual costs for construction of the Pickering Municipal Drain 2022. 

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #47-2023, being a by-law to appoint an Acting Clerk.

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #48-2023, being a by-law to appoint a Chief Administrative Officer/Deputy Clerk.

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #49-2023, being a by-law to confirm matters addressed at the July 10, 2023 Public and August 14, 2023 Council meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council hereby adjourns at ______ p.m., to meet again on September, 5 2023 at 6:00 p.m. or at the Call of the Chair.

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