Corporation of the Municipality of South HuronClimate Change Adaptation Advisory CommitteeAgendaThursday, March 05, 2020 at 4:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Olde Town Hall - Verity RoomAccessibility of Documents:Documents are available in alternate formats upon request. If you require an accessible format or communication support, please contact the Clerk's Department at 519-235 -0310 or by email at to discuss how best we can meet your needs.1.Call to Order 2.Agenda Recommendation:That Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee approves the Agenda as presented. 3.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests and the General Nature thereof 4.Minutes 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee_Feb06_2020 - English.pdfRecommendation:That Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee adopts the minutes of February 6, 2020 as printed and circulated. 5.Workplan Milestones 5.1Goals of Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 1.Draft Goals and Associated Impacts 20Feb27.pdf5.2Action Planning 5.2.1Identified Action Items for South Huron 1.Identified Action Items for South Huron 20Feb28.pdf5.2.2Action Item Examples from Other Jurisdictions 5.2.3Public/Stakeholder Input 1.Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Goals 20Feb24.pdfDiscussion of method and timing of public and stakeholder input into action planning phase. 5.3South Huron's Changing Climate 1.South Huron's Changing Climate 20Feb13.pdf6.Other Business 6.1June 4, 2020 Scheduled Committee Meeting (Member Vaughan) 6.2Footprints to Forests (Member Cumming) Link to Footprints to Forests Website6.3Resolution and Referral from February 18, 2020 Regular Council Meeting 1.Letter to CCAAC re recommendations and referral from February 18 2020 Regular Council Meeting.pdf2.EcoExeter Letter .pdf7.Correspondence 7.1Sustainable Huron Meeting - February 21, 2020 (Chair Boles) Link to Presentations7.2Is the Coast Clear? Lake Huron Conference (May 12-13, 2020) Link to Conference Information7.3Speaker Series on Climate Change - Partners for Learning 1.Climate Crisis flyer final colour.pdf8.Adjournment Recommendation:That Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee herby adjourns at [insert time], to meet again on April 2, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. or at the Call of the Chair. No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.South Huron's Changing Climate 20Feb13.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee_Feb06_2020 - English.pdf1.Letter to CCAAC re recommendations and referral from February 18 2020 Regular Council Meeting.pdf2.EcoExeter Letter .pdf1.Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Goals 20Feb24.pdf1.Draft Goals and Associated Impacts 20Feb27.pdf1.Climate Crisis flyer final colour.pdf1.Identified Action Items for South Huron 20Feb28.pdf