Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron

Minutes for the Regular Council Meeting

Meeting #:
Council Chambers - Olde Town Hall
Members Present:
  • Maureen Cole - Mayor, Council
  • Dave Frayne - Deputy Mayor, Council
  • Tom Tomes - Councillor - Ward 1, Council
  • Marissa Vaughan - Councillor - Ward 1, Council
  • Wayne DeLuca - Councillor - Ward 2, Council
  • Craig Hebert - Councillor - Ward 2, Council
  • Ted Oke - Councillor - Ward 3, Council
Staff Present:
  • Dan Best, CAO, Administration
  • Genevieve Scharback, Corporate Services Manager/Clerk, Corporate Services/Clerk
  • Sandy Becker, Financial Services Manager/Treasurer, Financial Services
  • Don Giberson, Environmental Services Director, Environmental Services
  • Sarah Smith, Huron County Planner, Huron County Planning
  • Rebekah Msuya-Collison, Deputy Clerk, Corporate Services, Deputy Clerk

Mayor Cole called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

  • Recommendation:
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:W. DeLuca

    That South Huron Council adjourn at 6:06 p.m. for the purpose of a Public Meeting pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act for proposed zoning amendments

    Disposition: : Carried

The agenda was amended by adding Item 12.19 - Ontario Association of Committees of Adjustment (OACA) Conference Information.

  • Recommendation:
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:T. Tomes

    That South Huron Council approves the Agenda as amended.

    Disposition: : Carried

Lisa Thompson, Huron-Bruce MPP provided an overview of 2017 activities, noting her thanks to those serving and celebrating their communities.  She reviewed the Recognition of Remarkable Women events in South Huron and Kincardine that shared the message that every voice is equal and everyone needs to be free from fear and harassment.  Ms. Thompson has been appointed the Caucus Chair for the PC party.

Mayor Cole thanked her for attending and presented her with a gift of appreciation.

  • Recommendation:
    Moved:W. DeLuca
    Seconded:T. Oke

    That South Huron Council receives the delegation as presented from Huron-Bruce MPP Lisa Thompson.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:C. Hebert
    Seconded:T. Tomes

    That South Huron Council adopts the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of January 15, 2018, as printed and circulated.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:M. Vaughan
    Seconded:T. Oke

    That South Huron Council adopts the minutes of the Public Meeting of January 15, 2018, as printed and circulated.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:C. Hebert
    Seconded:D. Frayne

    That the minutes of the following committees and / or boards be received as presented to Council:

    • Minutes of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority of November 28, 2017.
    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:D. Frayne
    Seconded:M. Vaughan

    That South Huron Council recommends to Huron County Council that Consent for file B93-2017 be granted with conditions as set out in the Planner's report dated January 26, 2018.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That South Huron Council receives the report Sandy Becker, Financial Services Manager/Treasurer, re: 2017 Annual Report on Lease Financing Agreements.


    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:W. DeLuca
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That South Huron Council receives the report from S. Becker, Financial Services Manager/Treasurer re: 2017 Planning Act Fees (Defined under sections 37 and 42), for information.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:C. Hebert
    Seconded:T. Tomes

    That South Huron Council receives the report from S. Becker, Financial Services Manager/Treasurer re: 2017 Annual Development Charges report for information.


    Disposition: : Carried

Brad Bunke, P Eng and Matthew Harfiel P.Eng of GM BluePlan Engineering reviewed a detailed presentation on the Exeter Sewage Lagoon project.  The full presentation and report are available on the municipal website and in the municipal office.

They addressed a number of questions regarding the sand filters at the lagoon.  Mayor Cole thanked them for their presentation.

  • Recommendation:
    Moved:D. Frayne
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That South Huron Council receives the presentation from GM BluePlan re: Exeter Sewage Lagoon Sand Filters Project.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Motion:43-2018
    Moved:W. DeLuca
    Seconded:T. Oke

    That South Huron Council receive the report from G. Scharback, Corporate Services Manager/Clerk re: Electronic Participation in Meetings

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:W. DeLuca
    Seconded:T. Tomes

    That South Huron Council receives the report from G. Scharback, Corporate Services Manager/Clerk re: Cat Control.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That South Huron Council hereby approves the booking of accommodations and registration for the FCM Conference – May 31 to June 3, 2018 in Halifax, of the following members:

    Councillor Vaughan

    Councillor DeLuca; and

    That the Clerk is hereby directed to submit South Huron registrations for the FCM 2018 Conference.

    Disposition: : Carried

Deputy Mayor Frayne attended the ROMA conference.  He reviewed the keynote speaker and a number of sessions provided.

Mayor Cole also attended ROMA and reviewed presentations including those regarding various types of programs and options for community hubs.

CAO Best will provide a follow up report for the next meeting regarding discussions with the Energy Minister.

Mayor Cole attended the Huron County job fair in London and noted that it was a very successful event. She also attended the Poverty to Prosperity meeting and will bring greetings at the Food Band Distribution Centre open house.

Mayor Cole and CAO Best will travel to Ottawa for the FCM Sustainable Communities conference and will have four delegations at that conference. CAO Best will provide the delegation presentations to all of Council.

Councillor DeLuca requested that the CAO invite Ben Lobb, MP to attend a future Council meeting to explain the process of municipal, provincial and federal partnerships.

Councillor Tomes noted that the South Huron agreement with Bluewater Recycling has not been renewed.  He has sent it to the CAO. CAO Best advised that it will come to the February 20th meeting.

Councillor Tomes also requested an update on the Dashwood washroom project for the next meeting. CAO Best advised that he will meet with Bluewater administration regarding this matter.

  • Recommendation:
    Moved:W. DeLuca
    Seconded:M. Vaughan

    Whereas Resolution 19-2018 authorized the Clerk to complete hotel bookings for Mayor Cole, Councillor Oke and Councillor Hebert;

    That South Huron Council authorize conference registration for AMO AGM and Annual Conference for Mayor Cole, Councillor Oke, Councillor Hebert and Councillor Tomes; and

    That South Huron Council authorize the Clerk to book accommodation for Councillor Tomes. 

    Disposition: : Carried

CAO Best advised that the Fire Chief will review this item and report back to Council.

Deputy Mayor Frayne gave notice of a motion for the next meeting to support this item and the Bruce Power request to support a ten year licence renewal.

CAO Best advised he will provide information regarding previous year's donations for the February 20th Council meeting.

Council recommended this training conference for the next Committee of Adjustment Secretary-Treasurer.

  • Recommendation:
    Moved:D. Frayne
    Seconded:T. Tomes

    That South Huron Council receive communication items not otherwise dealt with.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:W. DeLuca
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #5-2018, being a by-law to amend Schedule C to By-Law 34-2015 (Environmental Services Fees).

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #6-2018, being a by-law to appoint members to the various Boards, Committees and Authorities in the Municipality of South Huron.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:W. DeLuca

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #7-2018, being a by-law to amend By-Law #13-1984, being the Zoning By-Law for the former Township of Usborne for lands known as North Part Lot 15, Concession 5, Usborne Ward, Municipality of South Huron.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:M. Vaughan
    Seconded:T. Tomes

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #8-2018, being a by-law to amend By-Law #12-1984, being the Zoning By-Law for the former Township of Stephen for lands known as Lot 4, Concession 18, Stephen Ward, Municipality of South Huron.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:C. Hebert
    Seconded:D. Frayne

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #9-2018, being a by-law to amend By-Law #12-1984, being the Zoning By-Law for the former Township of Stephen for lands known as Conc 21 S 1/2 Lot 10, Stephen Ward, Municipality of South Huron.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:T. Tomes
    Seconded:T. Oke

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #10-2018, being a by-law to confirm matters addressed at the February 5, 2018 Council meeting.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:D. Frayne
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That South Huron Council hereby adjourns at 8:07 p.m., to meet again on February 20, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. or at the Call of the Chair.

    Disposition: : Carried
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