Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron

Committee of the Whole


Meeting #:
Olde Town Hall-Carling Room
Members Present:
  • Maureen Cole - Mayor
  • Dave Frayne - Deputy Mayor
  • Tom Tomes - Councillor - Ward 1
  • Marissa Vaughan - Councillor - Ward 1
  • Wayne DeLuca - Councillor - Ward 2
  • Craig Hebert - Councillor - Ward 2
  • Ted Oke - Councillor - Ward 3
Staff Present:
  • Dan Best, CAO
  • Genevieve Scharback, Corporate Services Manager/Clerk
  • Sandy Becker, Financial Services Manager/Treasurer
  • Jo-Anne Fields, Community Services Manager
  • Dwayne McNab, Development Services Manager/CBO

Mayor Cole called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

  • Recommendation:
    Motion: CW21-2017
    Moved:M. Cole
    Seconded:T. Tomes

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole approves the Agenda as amended by adding Mayor Cole's report, 4.3 - OSUM Report.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Motion: CW25-2017
    Moved:D. Frayne
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole does now adjourn at 12:54 p.m.

    Disposition: : Carried


CAO D. Best - Recreation Projects

CAO Best reviewed a power point presentation overview of this report. He noted that there will be further opportunities for input from the community following a decision on a basic plan to move forward. The full report is included in the meeting agenda package and posted on the municipal website.
The Committee of the Whole discussed options for the community centre and estimated costs, as provided in the report. CAO Best noted that a basic concept is required in order to present it to the public for input. He requested direction regarding project cost limits and a basic plan for use in creating conceptual drawings.
It was noted that fundraising by the community and seeking out funding from other levels of government will be key in funding a new recreation centre/community hub.
  • Recommendation:
    Motion: CW22-2017
    Moved:W. DeLuca
    Seconded:D. Frayne

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole recommends to Council that the CAO proceed with obtaining conceptual drawings for a new recreation centre/community hub with a single ice pad, with the option of a second ice pad being considered as a future phase.

    Disposition: : Carried

​A recess was called at 11:57 a.m.  Committee of the Whole reconvened at 12:10 p.m.

 CAO Best reviewed options for the Exeter Swimming Pool renovation. 
  • Recommendation:
    Motion: CW23-2017
    Moved:D. Frayne
    Seconded:W. DeLuca

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole hereby agrees to reconsider resolution CW13-2017 regarding upgrades to the Exeter Swimming Pool.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Motion: CW24-2017
    Moved:D. Frayne
    Seconded:W. DeLuca

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole recommends to Council that the CAO proceed with obtaining conceptual drawings for the upgrades to the Exeter Swimming Pool; and

    That changerooms be moved to the south side of the swimming pool, with accessibility addressed by a beach access ramp or an external lift; and

    That resolution CW13-2017 is hereby rescinded.

    Disposition: : Carried

​Mayor Cole provided an overview of the OSUM Conference sessions noting that a key message was that all levels of government need to work together for the health and well-being of residents. She advised that the Building Code requirements for the pumping of septic tanks has been removed. Energy and the rising cost of energy was also discussed, as well as infrastructure deficiencies and the need for funding and funding formulas.

Collaboration was the theme of the conference.