Deputy Mayor Frayne advised of a Blue Flag Waterfront Safety workshop coming up.
Councillor Hebert advised that he attended the Santa Claus parade and that it was very successful and well attended.
Councillor Vaughan advised that the Port Blake team has met a number of times and will meet with Lake Huron Primary Water Supply on December 4, 2017 to confirm the scope of the project, proposed parking improvements, and to review the lease agreement. A report will be brought forward to Council.
Councillor Tomes advised that there will be a meat bingo at the Crediton Hall on December 7, 2017.
Councillor Oke referred to comments in the Exeter Times newspaper and clarified that Huron East has two outdoor pools and an indoor pool.
Mayor Cole attended the Huron Manufacturing Association awards and noted that many award recipients were from South Huron. She suggested that a letter of acknowledgement and congratulations of Council be sent to the South Huron award recipients. Council had no objections, she will clarify details with the Huron Manufacturing Association.
Mayor Cole also attended the 65th anniversary of the South Huron Hospital Auxiliary and acknowledged this landmark with a certificate of recognition.
She attended the Huron County Economic Development break out session on transportation and shared information about transportation issues faced by potential Huron County employees, including immigrants living in London. January 20, 2018 is the next job fair in London.
Deputy Mayor Frayne reviewed proposed activities for Family Day noting that, as in previous years, the Exeter Lions Club will prepare and serve breakfast, the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority will provide snowshoeing and the Lioness Club will do face-painting. He would like to address a possible request for funding for Family Day activities at a future budget meeting.