Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron

Committee of the Whole


Meeting #:
Olde Town Hall-Carling Room
Members Present:
  • Maureen Cole - Mayor
  • Dave Frayne - Deputy Mayor
  • Tom Tomes - Councillor - Ward 1
  • Marissa Vaughan - Councillor - Ward 1
  • Wayne DeLuca - Councillor - Ward 2
  • Craig Hebert - Councillor - Ward 2
  • Ted Oke - Councillor - Ward 3
Staff Present:
  • Dan Best, CAO
  • Genevieve Scharback, Corporate Services Manager/Clerk
  • Jo-Anne Fields, Community Services Manager

Chair Maureen Cole called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.  

She advised that the Committee will receive the report from the CAO, then ask questions following each section of the report.  She will allow each member up to five minutes to provide a SWOT, (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), analysis of the projects.  The Committee will highlight the information they have received and set three priorities.  She advised that members remember the role of Council. 

CAO Dan Best reviewed the conceptual design options for the recreation centre and swimming pool projects, as prepared by Invizij Architects Inc.

Mr. Best responded to Committee questions noting that the Rural Economic Development (RED) grant will provide funds for a feasibility study for the proposed Community Hub which will assist in determining how much space will be required for the Community Hub.  The results of the study will be available in March 2018. 

The proposed hall is similar in size to the existing hall, and the option of a one floor facility includes a walking track.

An application for a Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) grant for a feasibility study on energy efficiency, moving toward a net zero building, must be completed.  This study will also assist in determining the most cost effective way to move forward to maximize energy efficiency in the business planning phase.

The project steering committee will lead the engagement process and bring back to Council information received through the engagement process, including comments on a second ice pad being part of the initial building phase or a future phase.

Mr. Best advised that a lame duck period in 2018 will not interfere with the projects if Council has approved the necessary committees, funding and project designs as well as delegated necessary authorities to the CAO.

It was noted that the purpose of this meeting is to provide clear direction to reaffirm that the Community Hub/ Recreation Centre and Exeter Pool projects are key priority projects; to finalize the scope of the Exeter Pool project and make a final recommendation to Council, as well as to recommend that Council adopts the framework for the Community Hub/Recreation Centre project as presented. 

Mr. Best advised that Council resolutions will be required in September, 2017 in order to have the Recreation Centre project completed by July 2021 and the swimming pool project completed in time to open for the 2018 season.

He responded to Committee questions advising that there are grants available for feasibility studies and other funding options can be investigated at the AMO conference. Consideration of a net zero build will include balancing up-front costs with long term savings. 

Mr. Best stressed the importance of community engagement and the creation of appropriate committees. 

Chair Cole noted the need to engage the public prior to deciding on the scope of the pool project as the public may want an indoor pool.  She requested clarification on the Steering Committee's role in making recommendations on an indoor pool, and on government programs that are available regarding energy conservation for the Community Centre and indoor pool.

A recess was called at this time, 7:43 p.m.  The Committee of the Whole reconvened at 7:51 p.m. 

Chair Cole noted that Jo-Anne Fields will be the time keeper for the five minute time limit on each member's S.W.O.T. analysis of the recreation projects.

Members identified the following strengths and opportunities:

The recreation projects will be economic drivers for the community and  are a good investment in South Huron that will provide important services to the community.  The projects will encourage migration to the area, as well as the return of youth to South Huron.  The projects provide on-going opportunities for partnerships with other public agencies, community groups and businesses for the benefit of the community.  The projects align with the top strategic priorities and respond to the community's feedback regarding the need for improved recreation facilities. There are many opportunities created for public engagement and community involvement.

The members identified the following weaknesses and threats:

Council must be cognizant of the community's ability to pay for the projects and keep the scope of the projects affordable for South Huron rate payers.   Maximizing energy efficiency to keep operating costs down for sustainable facilities and services creates a challenge to balance  affordability and long term benefits.

  • Recommendation:
    Motion: #CW34-2017
    Moved:W. DeLuca
    Seconded:T. Oke

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole hereby receives the Report and Presentation by the CAO, A Path Forward 2.0 - Recreation Project Updates.

  • Recommendation:
    Motion: #CW35-2017
    Moved:D. Frayne
    Seconded:W. DeLuca

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole hereby recommends to South Huron Council that the Community Hub/Recreation Centre and Exeter Pool be reaffirmed as key priority projects.

  • Recommendation:
    Motion: #CW36-2017
    Moved:W. DeLuca
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole hereby recommends that Council proceed with public engagement for the project as outlined in Council resolution #182-2017.  

  • Recommendation:
    Motion: #CW37-2017
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:M. Vaughan

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole recommends that the CAO be directed to submit a report to Council to submit draft terms of reference for Council's consideration for the Project Steering Committee and the Fundraising Committee.

  • Recommendation:
    Motion: #CW38-2017
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:M. Vaughan

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole direct the CAO to make an application to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for a feasibility study to explore energy efficiencies, including net zero options for the Community Hub/Recreation Centre.

  • Recommendation:
    Motion: #CW39-2017
    Moved:D. Frayne
    Seconded:W. DeLuca

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole recommends to Council to adopt the Design Build construction process for the Community Hub/Recreation Centre and a Construction Management approach for the Pool.


  • Recommendation:
    Motion: #CW40-2017
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That the Committee of the Whole extend the meeting past curfew.

  • Recommendation:
    Motion: #CW41-2017
    Moved:D. Frayne
    Seconded:M. Vaughan

    That the Committee of the Whole recommends to Council to proceed with the preliminary public consultation for the Community Hub/Recreation Centre.

Disposition: : Carried
Disposition: : Carried
Disposition: : Carried
Disposition: : Carried
Disposition: : Carried
Disposition: : Carried
Disposition: : Carried
Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Motion: CW42-2017
    Moved:D. Frayne
    Seconded:M. Vaughan

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole does now adjourn at 9:01 p.m.

Disposition: : Carried