Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron
Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee

Remote Electronic Meeting South Huron Council Chambers

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  • Recommendation:

    That Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee approves the Agenda as presented. 

  • Recommendation:

    That Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee adopts the minutes of February 4, 2021 as printed and circulated. 

Committee to discuss the following details for each theme area: 

  1. General scope of session;
    • Potential experts to feature
    • Potential questions from the public on the topic:
      • General questions for all theme areas to consider from the Climate Change Adaptation surveys (note: these can be modified to suite each theme):
        • What can we do as pre-adaptation? What can we in the municipality do to make a difference before the impacts are felt?
        • What can we do before considering adaptation, in advance of major changes?
        • How can I become involved?
        • Are there financial supports/incentives available?
  2. Overall goal of the session;
  3. Timing of recording session;
  4. Timing of session release; and
  5. Additional resources that may be required (including estimated cost, if applicable).

The following Resolution was passed at the March 1, 2021 Regular Council Meeting:

That the minutes and report of the Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee be received; and
That South Huron Council supports the overall intent of the Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee, as outlined in this memo; and
That South Huron Council authorizes its members of the Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee to seek expression of interest from possible guest speakers, commence planning and communications
related to the Community Forum.

Moved: M. Vaughan
Seconded: A. Neeb
Result: Carried (7-0)

  • Recommendation:

    That Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee herby adjourns at [insert time], to meet again on [insert date] at [insert time] or at the Call of the Chair.