Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron

Minutes-Public Meeting

Meeting #:
Council Chambers - Olde Town Hall
Members Present:
  • Maureen Cole - Mayor, Council
  • Dave Frayne - Deputy Mayor, Council
  • Tom Tomes - Councillor - Ward 1, Council
  • Marissa Vaughan - Councillor - Ward 1, Council
  • Craig Hebert - Councillor - Ward 2, Council
  • Ted Oke - Councillor - Ward 3, Council
Member Regrets:
  • Wayne DeLuca - Councillor - Ward 2, Council
Staff Present:
  • Dan Best, CAO, Administration
  • Sandy Becker, Financial Services Manager/Treasurer, Financial Services
  • Andrew Baird, Emergency Services Manager/Fire Chief, Emergency Services
  • Dwayne McNab, Development Services Manager/CBO, Development Services
  • Sarah Smith, Huron County Planner, Huron County Planning
  • Rebekah Msuya-Collison, Deputy Clerk

Mayor Cole called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m.

The Deputy Clerk advised that the purpose of this Public Meeting is to review applications for proposed zoning by-law amendments and to allow interested members of the public the opportunity to ask questions or offer comments with regard to the applications.

It was noted that Council will not make a decision at this meeting. Based on recommendations and information received at this meeting amending by-laws will be presented for approval at the regular Council meeting.

A Public Registry is available, if any member of the public would like to be notified in writing of the decision on any of the applications they are required to provide their name and mailing address on the applicable registry. A person or public body may appeal the decision if they have made an oral submission at this Public Meeting or a written submission to Council prior to the passing of the by-law.

Ms. Smith reviewed her report noting the purpose of this application is to change the current zoning of Village Commercial (VC1) to a Village Commercial Special Zone (VC1-6) to permit a contractors shop and yard as an added permitted use. The applicant wishes to construct a future contractors shop and yard for his business.  Planner Smith noted that the continued use of this site for commercial use, through a site specific added provision for a contractor’s yard or shop is complementary to surrounding uses in this area, and the Urban designation in the Official Plan recognizes this range of uses as well. 

  • Recommendation:
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That South Huron Council receives the report from S. Smith, Huron County Planner re: Zoning By-Law Amendment D14-19-2017 - Neil (Allen).

    Disposition:: Carried

Ms. Smith reviewed her report noting the purpose of this application is to change zoning on three consent applications for boundary adjustment to permit a lot enlargement.  The lands that are to be added to the abutting property must be amended to match the zoning on the lands to which they will be added. 

The applicant proposes to change zoning on portions of the subject lands including rezone as following:

  1. From Development (D) and Residential Mobile Home Park (R4) to Highway Commercial (HC1) Consent Application #B15-17;
  2. From Development (D) to Highway Commercial Special Provisions (HC1-2) Consent #B17-17; and
  3. From Development (D) to Highway Commercial Special Provisions (HC1-1) as a condition of Consent Application B18-17.

These rezonings will satisfy a condition of consent under applications #B15/17, #B17/17 and #B18/17.

  • Recommendation:
    Moved:M. Vaughan
    Seconded:T. Tomes

    That South Huron Council receives the report from S. Smith, Huron County Planner re: Zoning By-Law Amendment D14-20-2017 - 2514421 Ontario Inc. (Brown).

    Disposition:: Carried

Ms. Smith reviewed her report noting the purpose of this application is to change zoning from Village Residential (VR1) to Highway Commercial (HC1) to permit an automobile dealership as a permitted use.   Lands under the HC1 zone are subject to a Site Plan Control; a parking lot use, or any proposed buildings and structures proposed for this site would be subject to review under the Municipal Site Plan Control process.  This rezoning will bring the subject lands into conformity with the South Huron Official Plan so the zoning and designation are consistent.

  • Recommendation:
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That South Huron Council receives the report from S. Smith, Huron County Planner re: Zoning By-Law Amendment D14-21-2017 - Hamather Motor Products (Brown).

    Disposition:: Carried

Planner Smith reviewed her report noting that the applicant is requesting an extension to the Temporary Use to provide time to remove the cars that have encroached beyond the C4-1 zone area.  The purpose of this application is to provide time to remove the cars that have encroached beyond the C4-1 zone area, noting issues with timing required to prepare vehicles so they can be removed from the site.  The lands included in this temporary use area represent an approximate width of 94 metres by a depth of 83 metres and abut the north boundary of the designated C4-1 zone. 

  • Recommendation:
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:D. Frayne

    That South Huron Council receives the report from S. Smith, Huron County Planner re: Zoning By-Law Amendment D14-22-2017 - Brock.

    Disposition:: Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:T. Tomes

    That South Huron Council now closes this Public Meeting at 6:18 p.m. and reconvenes the Regular Council meeting. 

    Disposition:: Carried