Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron

Committee of the Whole


Meeting #:
Olde Town Hall-Carling Room
Members Present:
  • Maureen Cole - Chair, Council
  • Dave Frayne - Member, Council
  • Tom Tomes - Member, Council
  • Marissa Vaughan - Member, Council
  • Craig Hebert - Member, Council
  • Ted Oke - Member, Council
Member Regrets:
  • Wayne DeLuca - Member, Council
Staff Present:
  • Dan Best, CAO, Administration
  • Rebekah Msuya-Collison, Deputy Clerk

Mayor Cole called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.

Member Frayne nominated Member Vaughan for Chair.  Member Vaughan accepted the Chair position for the meeting.

Member Frayne nominated Member Vaughan for Chair.  Member Vaughan accepted the Chair position for this meeting.

No resolution was passed to amend the agenda.

The committee reviewed the current status of animal control by-law and the next steps including the development of an animal control tribunal and terms of reference.  The committee consensus was for three public members to be appointed to the Animal Control Tribunal.  CAO Best confirmed to the committee that the jurisdiction of the tribunal would fall under the animal control by-law.  CAO Best advised that a report with draft terms of reference for the Animal Control Tribunal.

The committee discussed next steps and other options for a cat control program, including resources and possible partnership opportunities that could be explored.  The committee discussed in detail the possible terms, sponsorship options and budget for a voucher program. The Committee directed Administration to take a report to Council on a draft voucher program.

CAO Best asked the committee to review and re-identify governance priorities that had been established.  The committee then identified additional governance items that they felt should be on the updated workplan.  CAO Best advised he will process the results, prioritize for council and take to council for direction.

7:52 p.m. The committee noted the time.

The committee agreed to defer Item 4.3 Communication Policy, Item 4.4.2 Special Events By-Law and Item 4.5 Recreation Update until the next Committee of the Whole meeting.  

  • Recommendation:
    Motion: CW#8-2018
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:M. Cole

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole extend meeting up to one hour.


    Disposition: : Carried



  • Recommendation:
    Motion: CW#9-2018
    Moved:M. Cole
    Seconded:D. Frayne

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole recommend that South Huron Council accept the policy and have the necessary by-law forwarded to Council for approval.

    Disposition: : Carried
  • Recommendation:
    Motion: CW#10-2018
    Moved:M. Cole
    Seconded:C. Hebert

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole recommend to South Huron Council that staff prepare and bring back an all encompassing tree enhancement and tree protection program.

    Disposition: : Carried

CAO gave the committee a copy of the South Huron draft communication policy.

  • Recommendation:
    Motion: CW#11-2018
    Moved:T. Oke
    Seconded:D. Frayne

    That South Huron Committee of the Whole does now adjourn at 8:31 p.m.

    Disposition: : Carried