That the memo of D. Best, Chief Administrative Officer dated June 6, 2022 regarding the South Huron Recreation Centre (SHRC) Phase 1 Upgrades Scope and Budget Amendment be received; and
That after further investigation of the SHRC roof systems, no capital work is required to be incorporated as part of the SHRC Phase 1 Upgrade project; and
That any proposed roof system future work will be incorporated as part of a future capital budget request; and
That the replacement of the steel façade on the lower west and lower southern area of the building be added to the scope of the project; and
That the steel façade on the upper west and upper southern area of the building be coated to match/complement the lower and upper sections being replaced; and
That the steel work be added to the scope of the project; and
That the revised budget for the SHRC Phase 1 project be amended to an upset limit of $5,347,000.00; and
That the existing Infrastructure Ontario debt application be amended to include an additional $818,150.00 in debt financing.