Deputy Mayor Frayne noted the Mayor's statement on myFM radio about the AMO delegations was good news. He will attend the Friends of the Trail golf tournament luncheon as well as the ABCA bus tour of conservation authority properties.
Councillor Hebert advised that he attended the AMO conference. He also attended the Rodeo and commended staff and the Rodeo Committee for their hard work to make this another successful year for the Rodeo.
Councillor Vaughan advised that meetings with CAO Best, Joanne Fields and Grand Bend Rotary Club members were very positive about Port Blake and various environmental issues. The Rotary Club members will speak to their organization about further support for trees at Port Blake.
Councillor Tomes noted the need to assist Mr. Flynn in dealing with the weeds on railroad property. The Property Standards By-Law will be followed to address the complaint.
Councillor Oke attended an information session for the Huron County Plowing Match. He advised that tomorrow is Fun Night at the Kirkton pool in conjunction with the demonstration of the new lift.
Mayor Cole read her report. She will provide a copy to the media. she reviewed the AMO conference and the South Huron delegations at the conference. She attended the Huron County Distribution Centre Gala, volunteer training for the International Plowing Match, the Grand Bend Sewage Treatment Facility Board meeting and the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Usborne Hibbert Insurance office on Main Street. The Chamber of Commerce held a transit meeting and are looking for volunteers for a transit steering committee.
CAO Best advised that Council did not provide a Community Grant to the Huron Country Playhouse in 2016 as there was no request submitted from the group, although they had previously understood that they had a commitment of $25,000, $20,000 of which has been provided over previous years through the Community Grant program.