Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron
Agenda - Regular Council Meeting

Remote Electronic Meeting South Huron Council Chambers
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Notice of Electronic Meeting:
The following meeting will be held electronically using the Zoom Video Conferencing Application. Residents will be able to watch a livestream of the meeting by going to the South Huron Agendas and Minutes webpage at


Accessibility of Documents:

Documents are available in alternate formats upon request.  If you require an accessible format or communication support, please contact the Clerk's Department at 519-235 -0310 or by email at  to discuss how best we can meet your needs.

Welcome, O Canada & Land Acknowledgment

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council approves the Agenda as presented.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the delegation from the Kirkton-Woodham Swimming Pool Committee as presented by Pam Benoit and Keary Fulton-Wallace. 

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the delegation regarding FoodCycler Municipal Solutions as presented by Ami Gagné.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council adopts the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 7, 2022 as printed and circulated.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the following committees and/or boards be received as presented to Council:

    • Kirkton-Woodham Pool Committee - Minutes of May 12, 2021, July 14, 2021, August 10, 2021 and September 22, 2021
    • Police Services Board - January 11, 2022 Minutes and January 2022 OPP Report
    • Upper Thames River Conservation Authority - January 25, 2022 draft minutes & February 17, 2022 Meeting Agenda Package
  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the Exeter Rodeo Committee draft minutes of January 26, 2022; and

    That Council accept the Exeter Rodeo Committee approve S. Clarke to contact South Huron Community Services staff and to request assistance from staff in the preparation of a grant application. 

  • Recommendation:

    That correspondence from the Climate Change Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee be received; and,

    That South Huron Council recognizes the dedication and efforts from all members of the Committee; and

    That South Huron Council approves the dissolution of the Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee as the mandate outlined in the Committee Terms of Reference was fulfilled, effective March 1, 2022.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the minutes of the Exeter Business Improvement of the January 10, 2022 Meeting and February 14, 2022 Annual General Meeting; and

    That South Huron Council hereby approves the Exeter Business Improvement Area 2022 Budget and the names of the members to the Exeter Business Association Board of Management as received.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the Staff Report from Vanessa Culbert, Planning Coordinator re: 1068775 Ontario Limited (Taylor) Request for No Occupancy Agreement under Subdivision Agreement for Phase 2; and

    That the No Occupancy Agreement with 1068775 Ontario Limited be approved; and

    That the necessary By-law be forwarded to Council for the required three readings.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive this report from Mike Rolph, Chief Building Official re: Limiting Distance Agreement between 1343877 Ontario Ltd. (Pinnacle Quality Homes Ltd.) and Municipality of South Huron; and

    That South Huron Council approve the Limiting Distance Agreement; and

    That the By-Law authorizing the Agreement be brought forward to Council for the required three readings.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Scott Currie, Manager of Strategic Initiatives, titled “Reconnect Ontario Grant” for information; and,

    That South Huron Council approve an application to the Reconnect Ontario grant program in support of the 2022 Exeter Rodeo.

Amendment to the Budget**

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report from Don Giberson, General Manager of Infrastructure and Development Re: Grand Bend Trunk Sanitary Sewer Update - Phase One (Ontario Street section); and

    That South Huron Council approves an “Amendment to the Budget” to increase the capital budget for the Grand Bend Trunk Sanitary Sewer Phase One from $1,641,379.84 to $2,077,400.17; and

    That South Huron Council hereby consents to the award of a contract for the construction of the Grand Bend Trunk Sewer on Ontario Street to the qualified low bidder, Birnam Excavating Limited, as per the Memorandum of Understanding with Lambton Shores; and

    That South Huron Council defer the approved 2022 Capital Project for the William Street SPS Forcemain Replacement (GEXR to Lagoons) to 2023 to fund the additional tendered cost.

Amendment to the Budget**

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Don Giberson, General Manager of Infrastructure and Development Re: Update on Procurement of Tandem Axel Plow and Amendment to the Budget; and

    That South Huron Council authorize an amendment to the contract awarded to Carrier Truck Inc in the amount of $8,600 (plus HST); and

    That South Huron Council approves an “Amendment to the Budget” to increase the capital budget for the Replacement of Tandem Axel Plow Unit #67 from $315,000 to $321,283.80; and

    That South Huron Council authorizes the additional amount of $6,283.80 over the original approved budget be funded from the Transportation Capital Replacement Reserve.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Don Giberson, General Manager of Infrastructure and Development and Shane Timmermans, Manager of Environmental Services RE: Street Lighting Request on Sanders Street West and Brookside Place, Exeter.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Shane Timmermans, Manager of Transportation Services RE: Tender Results for Repairs to Blackbush Line Structure #1024; and

    That South Huron Council accept the tender received from the Theo Vandenberk Construction Inc. and authorize award of a contract for Repairs to Blackbush Line Structure #1024 in the amount of $ $63,777.20 (including HST).

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Shane Timmermans, Manager of Transportation Services RE: Tender Results for Resurfacing Union Line and Corbett Line; and

    That South Huron Council accept the tender received from Lavis Contracting Co. Limited. And authorize award of a contract for the Resurfacing of Union Line and Corbett Line in the amount of $719,426.93 (including HST).

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Shane Timmermans Manager of Transportation Services RE: Tender Results for Replacement of Roadside Mower Unit #130; and

    That South Huron Council accept the tender received from Hyde Brothers Farm Equipment Limited and authorize the award of a contract for the supply of one new roadside mower in the amount of $13,334.00 (including HST).

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Shane Timmermans Manager of Transportation Services RE: Tender Results for Replacement of Unit #97 with a Wheel Loader with Attachments; and

    That South Huron Council accept the tender received from Delta Power Equipment and authorize award of a contract for the supply of a Wheel Loader with Attachments and Extended 5 year 5000 hour warranty in the amount of $367,306.50 (including HST).

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Shawn Young, Manager of Environmental Services RE: 2021 Annual Performance Assessment Summary Report for the Exeter Wastewater Treatment Facility.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Shawn Young, Manager of Environmental Services RE: 2021 Mandatory reporting of Commercial and Industrial water consumption information to the MECP.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the report from Shawn Young, Manager of Environmental Services RE: 2021 Drinking Water System Annual Compliance Report to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report from Julia Roberts, Deputy Treasurer and Sandy Becker, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer re: 2022 Capital Progress Report - January 2022 for information.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report from Sandy Becker, General Manager of Financial Services/Treasurer and Julia Roberts, Deputy Treasurer re: 2021 Statement of Remuneration and Expenses.

Enbridge Gas - Franchise Agreement Renewal


  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #9-2022, being a By-law authorize the execution of a Limiting Distance Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron and 1343877 Ontario Ltd. (Pinnacle Quality Homes) for the property at 102 Rowe Avenue, Exeter, legally described as Lot 14, Plan 22M15, being all of PIN 41244-0538, in the Municipality of South Huron in the County of Huron.

Memo to By-Law

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #10-2022, being a By-law authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron and Idefix Investments Inc. in the Municipality of South Huron in the County of Huron.

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #11-2022, being a By-law to authorize the execution of a No Occupancy Agreement Between the Municipality of South Huron and 1068775 Ontario Limited.

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #12-2022, being a by-law to amend By-Law 26-2021 to provide for collection of actual costs for construction of the Blackler Municipal Drain 2021.

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #13-2022, being a By-law to authorize an Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) for funding under the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement (Modernization Fund).

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #14-2022, being a by-law to confirm matters addressed at the February 22, 2022 Council meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council hereby adjourns at ______ p.m., to meet again on March 7, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. or at the Call of the Chair.

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