Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron
Agenda - Regular Council Meeting

Hybrid Meeting - South Huron Council Chambers
Live Video Feed -

Notice of Hybrid Meeting:

The following meeting will allow for both electronic and in-person attendees. Members of the public are welcome to watch the live-stream of the meeting on the Agendas and Minutes page at, the Municipal Youtube page or attend Council Chambers.

There will be a recording of the meeting available on the Municipal YouTube page.

Accessibility of Documents:

Documents are available in alternate formats upon request.  If you require an accessible format or communication support, please contact the Clerk's Department at 519-235 -0310 or by email at to discuss how best we can meet your needs.

Welcome, O Canada & Land Acknowledgment

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council approves the Agenda as presented.

10 years - Jenna Bilcke and Jim Nyssen
20 years - Bill Armstrong

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the delegation from United Way Perth-Huron regarding the Quality of Life in Perth-Huron as presented by Kristin Crane. 

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the delegation regarding follow up on the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority 2024 Budget as presented by Jim Craigmile. 

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes, agendas and meeting highlights of the following committees and/or boards be received as presented to Council:

    • Upper Thames River Conservation Authority - Draft Minutes of October 31, 2023 and Agenda Package of November 28, 2023 
    • Police Services Board - Minutes of November 14, 2023 and the October Report
    • Exeter Business Improvement Area (BIA) - Minutes of November 15, 2023 
    • Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority - Draft Minutes of November 16, 2023 and Agenda Package of December 14, 2023 
    • Bluewater Recycling Association (BRA) - Meeting Highlights of November 30, 2023 
  • Recommendation:

    That the October 26, 2023 minutes of the Grand Bend and Area Joint Sewage Board be received as presented; and

    That South Huron Council approve the Grand Bend and Area Joint Sewage Board 2024 Budget. 

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the draft minutes of November 29, 2023 as presented and approve the following recommendations from the Exeter Rodeo Committee:

    • That a $10,000 donation be made to the local food bank
    • That the Municipality of South Huron enter into a one-year contract with Rodeo Management Group in the amount of $40,000. 


  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the draft minutes of November 29, 2023 as presented and approve the following recommendation from the Heritage Advisory Committee as follows: 

    • That two subgroups be created to explore options for education programs and initiatives for property owners with respect to appropriate conservation, maintenance and restoration practices, including the making of sympathetic improvements to enhance the Municipality’s heritage character and vibrancy.
      • Chair Moore, Member Voerman and Member Jones to focus on education for the general public.
      • Vice-Chair Dinney, Member Neeb and Member Gill to focus on an education for property owners already on the Municipal Heritage Register.
  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council recieve the Committee of the Whole minutes of December 6, 2023 as presented and approve the Committee of the Whole's recommendations as follows:

    • That Council approve the draft cost-sharing agreement in principle; and
    • That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a Cost-Sharing Agreement with Tridon Group LTD and Tridon Properties LTD for the extension of the Grand Bend Trunk Sewer subject to approval of an associated budget.
  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council approve the Committee of the Whole's recommendation as follows:

    • The Municipality recover the oversizing cost through a future Cost Recovery By-law or recover the growth-related costs by including this project in a future DC Charges Background Study and future Development Charges Bylaw.
  • Recommendation:

    That Councillor McLeod-Haggitt be appointed as the Council representative to the Exeter Business Improvement Area, South Huron Chamber of Commerce and South Huron Volunteer Appreciation Event Committee. 

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report from Alyssa Keller, Manager of Environmental Services re: Results of Annual DWQMS Annual Management Review.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report from Don Giberson, General Manager of Infrastructure and Development Re: Proposed External Oversizing Agreement CVD Exeter Inc.; and

    That South Huron Council authorize Staff to prepare a draft External Oversizing Agreement for Council consideration at a future Council Meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council accepts the report from Scott Currie, Manager of Communications and Strategic Initiatives, titled “” for information; and,

    That Council authorizes an application to the Experience Ontario Grant program administered by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport in support of the 2024 Exeter Rodeo.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report of Julia Warwick, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer re Procurement of Goods & Services Policy; and

    That Council approve the amendment to the Procurement of Goods & Services Policy as presented; and

    That the draft by-law be provided to Council for the required three readings.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receive the memo of Rebekah Msuya-Collison, Chief Administrative Officer re: Huron Health System Request to Council interim report, for information.

1. Huron Standard Condominium Corporation #7 "Oakwood Links Lane" - Proposed Grand Bend Trunk Sewer Extension 

2. Maureen Cole - SHRC and Stephen Arena Accessibility and Building/Fire Code Requirements and Expectations


  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #75-2023, being a by-law to amend By-Law #69-2018 of the Municipality of South Huron for lands described as Part Lots 6 & 7, Concession 3, and Parts 52-54. 56-76, 83-89, Pt Part 55, 22R-5240, Stephen Ward, Municipality of South Huron. 

Memo to By-Law

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #76-2023, being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron and Wonderland Power Centre Inc. in the Municipality of South Huron in the County of Huron.


  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #77-2023, being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Land Lease Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron and 2923 Huron Middlesex Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corp. 

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #78-2023, being a by-law to confirm matters addressed at the November 27, 2023 Budget Meeting and the December 18, 2023 Council meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council hereby adjourns at ______ p.m., to meet again on January 15, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. or at the Call of the Chair.

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