Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron
Agenda - Regular Council Meeting

Hybrid Meeting - South Huron Council Chambers
Live Video Feed -

Notice of Hybrid Meeting:

The following meeting will allow for both electronic and in-person attendees. Members of the public are welcome to watch the live-stream of the meeting on the Agendas and Minutes page at, the Municipal Youtube page or attend Council Chambers.

There will be a recording of the meeting available on the Municipal YouTube page.

Accessibility of Documents:

Documents are available in alternate formats upon request.  If you require an accessible format or communication support, please contact the Clerk's Department at 519-235 -0310 or by email at to discuss how best we can meet your needs.

Welcome, O Canada & Land Acknowledgment

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council approves the Agenda as presented.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the Ahria Consulting presentation regarding Council Strategic Priorities as presented by Kelly Gillis. 

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the PSD Citywide Inc. presentation regarding the Asset Management Plan as presented by Nikki Pittman.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council adopts the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 3, 2024, as printed and circulated.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the following committees and/or boards be received as presented to Council:

    • Bluewater Recycling Association - Meeting Highlights of May 30, 2024
  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report from Mike Rolph, Director of Building and Planning/Chief Building Official regarding the review of a change of use for the Stephen Arena for information.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report from Stacey Jeffery, Community Relations Manager, re: Five-year Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) Plan (2024 – 2028); and

    That South Huron Council approves the overall intent of the Five-year Conservation and Demand Management Plan (2024-2028), as presented.

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council receives the report from Julia Warwick, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer re: Asset Management Plan 2024, and

    That Council adopts the Asset Management Plan 2024 as presented, and

    That Council direct staff to incorporate the financial strategy recommendations from the Asset Management Plan 2024 in future financial planning and long-term budgeting for Council’s consideration.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report of Alex Wolfe, Clerk regarding the Special Event Application – Exeter RAM Rodeo and

    That the Special Event Permit – Exeter RAM Rodeo is approved in principle; and

    That the Special Event application and administration fee in the amount of $550.00 is waived; and

    That an exemption to Noise By-law 6-2004 for Saturday, August 10th from 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. be approved; and

    That Municipal staff provide assistance and resources, as outlined in the special event application; and

    That South Huron Council declare the Exeter RAM Rodeo event to be Municipally Significant.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report of Kendra Webster, Legislative and Licensing Coordinator and Alex Wolfe, Clerk re: Municipal Assistance for Privately owned/operated cemeteries; and

    That South Huron Council direct staff to proceed with the drafting of a framework regarding assistance for privately owned/operated cemeteries to be brought back for Council consideration.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council receives the report of Rebekah Msuya-Collison, CAO re: Council Priorities 2023-2026; and

    That Council re-affirm the Priorities, Goals, and the Mission, Vision, Values and Pillars; and

    That Council’s Decision-Making Framework be adopted; and

    That Departmental workplans be developed in accordance with these directions.

1. Danielle Zehr - South Huron Soccer 

2. Krista McCann, Jimmy Trieu and Rob Tait - South Huron Hospital Foundation and Huron Health System 


  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #34-2024, being a by-law to appoint an Integrity Commissioner and Closed Meeting Investigator and to authorize the execution of the agreement.

Memo to By-Law

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #35-2024, being a by-law to establish, ratify and impose fees and charges for goods and services provided by the Municipality of South Huron.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #36-2024, being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with Rodeo Management Group Inc. for the provision of the Rodeo Performances as the 2024 Annual Exeter Rodeo Event. 

  • Recommendation:

    That the South Huron Council gives first, second and third and final reading to By-Law #37-2024, being a by-law to confirm matters addressed at the June 17, 2024 Council meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    That South Huron Council hereby adjourns at ______ p.m., to meet again on July 15, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. or at the Call of the Chair.

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